Los días 9 a 11 de Junio tuvo lugar en Philadephia la Conferencia de IAG (Integrated Advisory Group) a la que asistimos representados por las oficinas de Gran Canaria y Barcelona.

Tratamos los temas de actualidad internacional  y  en algunos momentos “a la española(alrededor de la mesa del almuerzo) y pudimos escuchar de primera mano del experto en campañas electorales, Mitch Stewart  (“We were honored to serve President Obama and wanted to keep doing big things to change the world”. See:https://www.270strategies.com/our-team 270 strategies) asesor de  Obama, quien nos comentó su opinión sobre la situación política actual en USA.

On 9-11 June the Conference of IAG (Integrated Advisory Group) was held in Philadephia to which we attended represented by the offices of Gran Canaria and Barcelona.

International issues were discussed, “the Spanish way” (around the lunch table), and we could hear at first hand the expert in election campaigns, Mitch Stewart Stewart  (“We were honored to serve President Obama and wanted to keep doing big things to change the world”. See: https://www.270strategies.com/our-team 270 strategies) Obama’s adviser who told us his views on the current political situation in USA.