The Organic Law 1/1996 on the Legal Protection of Minors, which was amended by Law 26/2015 and Law 45/2015, establishes that it will be a requirement for access to and exercise of professions, trades and activities that involve habitual contact with Minors, not having been convicted of a felony conviction for freedom and sexual immunity. To this end, this circumstance must be proved by the contribution of a negative certification from the Central Registry of sexual offenders.
The Central Registry of sexual offenders has already been created, on March 1, 2017, so it is possible to request a certification of each professional who is in contact with minors.
The measure affects all professionals and / or volunteers who are in direct contact or who share space in the workplace with children under 18 years (for example children’s monitors, playroom staff and all other staff members of the centre who share space in some moments with the children).
It seems to us to be a very appropriate measure and we welcome the introduction of controls on staff dealing with minors on a regular basis, and access to such important information for the safety of minors by companies, information that can be obtained at the time of incorporating new staff and personnel already in staff.