by Scornik-Gerstein | Jan 13, 2017 | news
Our lawyers independently of the office to which they belong, can legally attend trials throughout the national territory
by Scornik-Gerstein | Jan 13, 2017 | Efemérides
At a time of labour turmoil in Spain, the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, presented in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria the results of the reforms carried out in labour matters in 2015 and counted on our presence. Now with the formation of the new...
by Scornik-Gerstein | Jan 11, 2017 | Efemérides
Today we found this beautiful family photo, in which we are with some members of IAG (Integrated Advisory Group – Attorneys and Tax...
by Scornik-Gerstein | Jan 11, 2017 | news
The judgment of the European Union Court of 13 May 2014, commonly known as “the right to be forgotten”, has marked a before and after in the exercise of the rights of cancellation and opposition of personal data on the Internet. Prior to it, the exercise...
by Scornik-Gerstein | Jan 11, 2017 | news
APROVECHAMIENTO POR TURNO DE BIENES INMUEBLES. PROHIBICIÓN DE ANTICIPOS. Este año hemos asesorado con éxito a numerosos clientes, que han firmado contratos de pertenecía a clubs de vacaciones y/o derechos de aprovechamiento por turno, a rescindir sus contratos y...