Given the impact on companies, in order to avoid problems of liquidity, solvency and job losses, and thus minimise the negative impact of COVID-19 on the economy, it is necessary to adopt measures to strengthen the liquidity of the productive fabric and prevent solvent companies from leaving the market. The measures related to employment are:
- The right to adapt and reduce the working day so that workers who need to do so can provide care and attention to their spouses, partners and relatives by blood up to the second degree (art. 6).
- Extraordinary benefit for self-employed or autonomous workers due to cessation of activity (art.17).
- Guarantees for financing granted by credit institutions to meet invoices or due dates or other liquidity needs to facilitate the maintenance of employment.
- Suspension of contracts and reduction of working hours due to force majeure (suspension or cancellation of activities, temporary closure of premises, restrictions on the transport and mobility of persons or goods, lack of supply that prevents the continuation of the activity) with the consequences of art. 47 ET.
a) The company is exonerated from the business contribution payment of article 273.2 of the TRLGSS while the period of suspension or reduction of the working day lasts. For the worker, the following will be considered as contributed time.
b) Recognition of the right to contributory unemployment benefit, even if the worker has no minimum period of contributory employment.