The number of cases entered in the Spanish courts and tribunals in the third quarter of 2017 was 1,329,913, which represents an increase of 2.5% over the same period of 2016, according to the report “Situation of judicial bodies ” published by the Statistics Section of the General Council of the Judiciary.

The entry of cases experienced an increase in both civil jurisdiction – with a rise of 14.2% – as in the social – where the increase was 6.3% -, while it decreased in the criminal jurisdiction – a 3.3 % – and in administrative litigation – 3.6% -.

The 59,327 lawsuits related to the actions of the so-called “floor clauses” (cláusulas suelo)  have played an important role in this increase.

The Canaries, The Balearics And Andalusia,  at the Head in Litigation

The litigation rate in the whole of Spain in the third quarter of the year was 28.6 cases per thousand inhabitants.

The Autonomous Communities with the highest litigation rate in the period studied were the Canary Islands -with 37.4 cases per thousand inhabitants-, the Balearic Islands -with 33.3- and Andalusia- with 32.7-. Also in Cantabria – with 29.6 cases per thousand inhabitants – and in Murcia – with 28.8 – the national average was exceeded.

At the other extreme, the territories with the lowest litigation rate were La Rioja -18.4 cases per thousand inhabitants-, the Basque Country -19.7 cases-, Navarre -22.1 cases- and Extremadura -22.4 cases -.