Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 4, 1937.
Registered in 1965 in the Buenos Aires and La Plata Bar Associations (Argentina); in 1978 in both the Las Palmas Bar Association and the Madrid Bar Association (Spain).
Education: St. Andrew’s Scott School; National College of Buenos Aires; University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (graduated in 1962); University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (1977). Seminars and Special Education: University of Santiago (Chile); University of Cambridge (England); Institute of Studies for Development, University of Sussex (England).
Author: «France, Land Legislation», Argentina, 1969; «The Land Tax», Argentina, 1971; «The US policy towards the Agricultural Sector in Latin America», Argentina, 1973; «Basis for Income Tax Land Regime», Argentina, 1974; «Methods of Market against Administrative Methods in a Process of Change» presented at the IDS, University of Sussex, 1976; «Migration, Immigration and Asylum in the Canary Islands» Spain, IBA, Section on General Practice, Madrid, 1985; «Companies Act-New Developments for Migration by Business in the European Community: The Spanish Case.» IBA Conference in London, 1991; «Poll-Tax: The Tax that sank a Government.», London, 1996; «The Future of Taxation», London, 1999
Positions held: Head of Practical Works-Chair of Agricultural and Mining Law, University of Buenos Aires; Adviser to the Minister of Economy (1973) and the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Argentina (1973-1974); Legal adviser of the Association of Agricultural Cooperatives (1966-1975); Director of the Working Group on Implementation of a Potential Land Income Tax, Ministry of Agriculture (1974-1975).
Member: International Bar Association (IBA), Director of Committee 14 on Migration and Nationality, Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), Spanish- German Chamber of Commerce in Spain, Spanish-British Chamber of Commerce (London), Integrated Advisory Group (IAG ), President of IURISPAN (Network of Spanish Law Firms); President of the Argentinean Club in Madrid. Offices in London, Madrid, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Lanzarote.
Languages: Spanish, English, French and German.
Areas of expertise: Civil Law, Taxes, Immigration and Nationality Law, Maritime Law and Telecommunications.